The White Stripes' Lyrics

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Don't blame me
For falling in love with you
Blame all those charms
That melt in your arms
But don't blame me

Blame your kiss
Oh! As sweet as a kiss can be
Blame all those charms
That melt in my arms
But don't blame me

I can't help it
If that doggone moon above
Yeah! Makes me feel

Long for one like you
To love

Blame your kiss
Oh! As sweet as a kiss can be
Blame all those charms
That melt in my arms
But don't blame me

I can't help it
If that doggone moon above

Makes me feel

Long for one like you
To love

Blame your kiss
It's as sweet as a kiss can be
Blame all those charms
That melt in my arms
But don't blame me

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