White Stripes dot WS Help!

Search Lyrics from Widget

Search lyrics from the right panel. Type the search terms in the text field in the Lyrics Widget, then press the magnifying glass to submit the search.

Click the small bulleted list to see a list of all songs in alphabetical order. You can find more detailed information about rock and roll history on order-essays.com at https://order-essays.com

News Menu Item

The 'news' tab is the opening welcome screen. It will display White Stripes releated news items.

Compatable Web Browsers

This website conforms to W3C's CSS standards. Firefox, Opera, Safari and Google Chrome are all compliant web browsers. This website is developed using the Firefox web browser and is periodically checked in Opera.

If you are using a W3C compliant web browser and still experiencing problems, please let us know. You can contact us at .

News Widget

The news widget can be seen to the right of the main content in the side bar. This widget contains a list of the most recent news stories published on WhiteStripes.WS. Clicking on a news item will display the story in the main content window.

Lyrics Widget

The lyrics widget displays a list of all The White Stripes' albums. Clicking on an album title will list the tracks on the American CD release of that album leading you to the song lyrics.

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